Horrifying account given by Rohan Talbot starts at 4:44 on the clip; regarding the actual situation on the ground in Gaza at the moment concerning the supply and distribution of…
Politic Madness
Excuses for Genocide – Tim Pool Thinks Palestinians Should Embrace Death and Oppression
by Dannyby DannyTim Pool the man who believes in free speech (only just for him and his mates) .. gets together with his mates to discuss the Palestinian cause. There are relevant…
Politic MadnessPosts
Annelle Sheline Resigns from State Dept. over U.S. Gaza Policy
by Dannyby DannyA State Department official working on human rights issues in the Middle East resigned Wednesday in protest of U.S. support for Israel’s assault on Gaza. Annelle Sheline, who worked as…
Politic MadnessPosts
Jared Kushner Donald Trumps son-in-law praised the valuable potential of Gaza waterfront property
by Dannyby DannyBoth terrifying & disappointing to come across such language and to realize a majority of people may soon vote for this lot. Have they learnt nothing from history?