I think anyone with a mind will be interested in what actually makes us conscious, what are the main theories, it might take me a couple of listens to this…
Mushroom Motherboard – The Crazy Fungal Computers that Might Change Everything
by Dannyby DannyOMG! .. Scientists have developed a ‘living PC’ made from mushrooms … Wetware: is the concept of merging hardware and software with living tissue.. as also seen on Elon Musk and his…
Kitten Thinks Of Nothing But Murder All Day According to the Journal of Research in Personality, “In an ancestral environment that demanded self-sufficiency, psychopath cats that had higher levels of…
Behold stargazers, this is not an art installation. These are actually stunning white Northern Lights in Finland. The stunning Aurora Borealis resemble a white curtain. The photos which seems to…
Astrophotographer takes his clearest photo of the SUN showing feather-like patterns on the sun’s surface
by Dannyby DannyAndrew McCarthy (on Instagram as @cosmic-background) who is an astrophotographer has unveiled his amazing clearest photo of the sun ever seen. The photo image is created by layering 150,000 individual…
When we think about the evolution of the stone construction techniques used by our ancestors, we instinctively think they began with more crude walls built from roughly chiseled blocks, full…
Why scientist claimed ‘soul DOES live on after death’ A SCIENTIST claimed life after death may be possible, after tests showed the human soul does not die alongside the body,…
Do we inherit knowledge from past generations? Experiments suggest we may have access to a kind of ‘pooled memory’ – the collective knowledge of our entire species. Rupert Sheldrake shows…
Crazy CultureCulture WarsMysteryPosts
Why Spanish Flu Was Called Spanish Flu and why virus names make a difference
by Dannyby DannySpanish Flu made its first appearance in 1918; soldiers returning from World War 1 brought the virus home to their countries with them. In 1920 in New York City over…
The Connected Universe is a film by Nassim Haramein who has spent over 30 years researching the nature of physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, chemistry as well as…