Oh Gosh! am I shocked at the business acumen of our betters, for almost ever Conservative MPs have called themselves self made successful business men and women – most of the current cabinet being millionaires.
Not so impressed by the Twitter crowd..
Twitter commentator – states “Why isn’t this guy facing fraud charges? Selling faulty good in a pandemic. He should be facing 10 yeas and all money and assets seized and return to the public purse.” ..Well we can answer – its because he’s a Tory and because of that he is better than the rest of us and immune to Fraud!.. Whereas if he was connected to the political opposition he would be in the cells!
The Sunday Times makes a comment but completely misses the point as per everyone! Quoting – “£420 per visor: the price of ministers’ PPE panic”
£420 per visor!! What a profit! this guy obviously knows his stuff! It is indeed a shame the NHS is not run by this lad for then we would all have no cash left and the system would break tomorrow.. checks notes yes – its already broken I see…
The Times also comments on Steve’s new found luxury pad! its a hard life for some you know!!
Stating – Tory ex-councillor lads on his feet! Awarded £276m in gov contracts for NHS protective equipment (PPE), has traded his home for a £1.5m, 17th-century Cotswolds mansion with 100 acres of land. 100 acres! most of us tax payers indeed wouldn’t know what to do with that much space which is why it is better managed in the hands of a gent like Steve.
It gets better!!.. Steve Dechan we also find out; is the owner of Platform-14, a Gloucestershire firm specialising in medical devices for people with chronic pain. It recorded a loss of almost £500,000 last year! The Tory business magician we salute you.. Run your own business into (make it look like ruin so you don’t have to pay tax?) and yet be handed millions in contracts for PPE..
For more details you can read on Amplify Stroud
Hats off to you Steve! money comes first!